Protect Your Eyes With Computer Glasses
Protect Your Eyes with Computer Glasses
Digital eyestrain (also called computer vision syndrome) is a common condition that affects anyone who spends long periods of time on their Protect Your Eyes with Computer Glasses or other screens. It causes symptoms like headaches, dry eyes and blurred vision. When not addressed, it can lead to neck and back pain and even poor posture. Symptoms may be more noticeable for children and teens who use their computers often for school work, sports or video games. Luckily, there are many things you can do to help reduce the effects of digital screens.
Protect Your Eyes with Computer Glasses
Among them are getting regular eye exams, using a matte screen filter to reduce glare, adjusting room lighting and taking breaks. Computer glasses are specifically designed to help alleviate the strain on your eyes by providing the optimum lens power for your computer monitor, minimizing the need to squint or hunch over your computer, and helping you maintain better posture. Additionally, some lenses have blue light filters that help filter out the short wavelengths of blue/turquoise light that can be harmful to your retina over long periods of time.
There are many options for computer glasses, including single vision computer lenses that offer the optimum lens power for your computer monitor at a fixed working distance, and progressive computer lenses that provide no-line multifocal technology with different powers for distant, intermediate and near vision. Anti-fatigue computer glasses are another option that reduce the risk of eye strain by providing a large intermediate zone for the intermediate range of vision, and they are ideal for young or older people who sit at their computers all day.